She looked bored. Bernard didn’t blame her: he was no Adonis. Even with all the physical effort of his work at the station and the limited food rations, he still managed to carry a bit more fat around his waist than he would have liked, and he knew that the way his belly spread out made his prick look even smaller than it really was.Liu Wei was unimpressed but still seemed to be appraising him physically. Maybe, Bernard thought for a moment, she fancies me a bit and she’ll make things go easier here. His hopes didn’t last long. “So! You are size we call Extra-Large. Here,” she pointed to a cupboard on the wall, “fetch out things and dress.”Bernard opened the cupboard to be confronted with an array of female clothing. It was hardly a shock;, there were plenty of placements where men were expected to dress as women. There were always good excuses given for it, but Bernard knew it was just another way of letting men know who was in charge. It wasn’t a surprise, but he hated being made. Ummm ahhh feels so nice…Me: pinch your nipples hard.She: ahhhhh… it hurts…Me: keep doing…She: oooo umm feels so bitchy…Me: now rub your pussy slowly..She: ohhh where did you learn all this.. ?Her soft moans made my dick erect.. her voice was sweet and her moans were sexyShe: ufff I am shivering in excitement.Me: now take that mint and rub it over the ice.She: yeah done.Me: Now rub it over your nipples.She had no idea what was gonna happen…She: ahhhhhA loud moan escaped her mouth and I knew it workedShe: My nipples are like stone right now.Me: Are you enjoying ?She: You have no idea.Me: now rub it over your pussy.As soon as that happened. She explodedShe: ahhh ohhhh umm I am gonna die… its fucking cold and tickling.Ice and mint can do that as my pre cum flowed out of my fully erect penis.Me: Rub it over your pussy hole…She: Oh my pink pussy is all red at the moment. I am gonna cum..Me: try holding it.. its more fun.She: I can’t… ummm ahhhhhHer cum exploded out of her red cold.
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